Transitioning from ACFI to AN-ACC

Transitioning from ACFI to AN-ACC

The Australian Government is replacing the current Aged Care Funding Instrument (ACFI) with the Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) from 1st October 2022. The new AN-ACC care funding model will provide a more equitable distribution of funding that matches the care needs of senior Australians living at a government funded residential aged care facility.

To date, the government is on track to implement the new funding tool on 1st October 2022.

All residents living in a government funded residential aged care facility will receive an independent assessment to determine AN-ACC classification levels for care funding purposes. These assessments are known as ‘shadow assessments’ and will occur before 1st October 2022 to prepare for the transition to the new funding model.

These assessments are undertaken by independent assessors employed by independent organisations contracted by the Department of Health.

There will be changes to the pain management program.

What does this mean for our residents?

Residents requiring pain management may currently receive treatments up to 4 times per week which is a specific area of ACFI funding.

AN-ACC however does not link specific treatments to funding and as such allows residential aged care facilities and allied health professionals to provide the treatments that directly benefit the resident consistent with their individual care plan (for example, treating pain through an exercise program).

This creates a wonderful opportunity to provide more tailored funded care.

In consultation with residents, relatives and representatives, Heritage Care will be providing a range of different activities and alternative therapies to better meet the needs of our Residents whilst still providing pain management. For example: Lifestyle sessions that are not only effective in pain management interventions but also in other areas including Mental Health; a more holistic individualised approach by implementing group exercise classes with the goal of improving muscular strength and balance; and identify residents who would benefit from rehabilitation exercises in addition to pain management strategies. These classes have the additional benefit of fostering social interactions and addressing loneliness in residential facilities.

Resources and factsheets can be found on Department of Health and Aged Care websites General Fact Sheets:

  • AN-ACC Key Facts – click here to view
  • What is AN-ACC and how will it work? – click here to view
  • How is cognition assessed under AN-ACC? – click here to view
  • Ensuring AN-ACC funding remains aligned with the cost of delivering residential aged care – click here to view
  • How do I calculate my AN-ACC care funding? – click here to view

Each Heritage Care Home is in the process of meeting with Residents and their families or legal guardians to discuss the range of activities and that may best suit Residents’ requirements.